Cleaning tips

Tips om uw boot winterklaar te maken

Tips to prepare your boat for winter

As a boat owner you make a choice before the winter whether you leave your boat or ship in the water, or whether it goes aside. In both cases there are specific things that you have to take into ac...

Tips voor het zomerklaar maken van uw boot

Tips for preparing your boat in summer

Create boat summer: Tips for an optimal start of the sailing season After a long winter it is finally time to make your boat ready for summer. This job can take some time, but it is important to ...

Maak uw boot klaar voor het vaarseizoen deel 1

Prepare your boat for the sailing season part 1

Get ready for the sailing season: Tips for a clean underwater ship! It will not take long before spring will make its entry! The days are getting longer, mild temperatures, The sun that increases...